Kringvarpið er nú, ella fyri nøkrum vikum síðani, farið undir at gjørt dokumentarsendingar, sum teir so senda annaðhvørt hóskvøld. Dokumentarsendingarnar eru á rímiliga høgum støði, í hvussu er til at tær eru føroyskar ;)
Kringvarpið hevur í síðstuni lagt ótrúliga stóran dent á at gera seg sjálvar betri. T.d. kann eg nevna, at teir til jólar høvdu ein avstemning til hvørt fríggjakvøld, um hvønn film teir skuldu vísa tá. At teir nú hava fingið ein talara, til at siga frá, millum hvørja sending, hvat ið kemur aftaná sendingina sum júst er liðug, og hvat kemur seinni á kvøldinum. At teir í Útvarpinum hava roynt at fingið eitt betri "Flow," sum teir kalla tað, frá morgni av, og út á dagin, og nú við hesum dokumentarsendingunum.
Eg haldi at tað er ein ótrúliga undarlig kensla at síggja eina dokumentarsending í Sjónvarpinum, sum er á føroyskum! Alt tað, eg havi sæð, í uppvøkstrinum, hevur antin verið á enskum, ella á donskum. Tað er undarligt, at síggja fólkini tosa føroyskt, og at síggja tað, hjá mær, kenda føroyska umhvørvið, í sjónvarpinum.
Higartil hava verið vístar tvær dokumentarsendingar í Sjónvarpinum. At hyggja at dokumentarsendingum kann hjálpa einum at læra eitt sindur av føroyskum; tað er nokk fragari enn t.d. at hyggja at Degi & Viku, tí á eini dokumentarsending sær ein kenslurnar á andlitinum á persónunum, og alt tað ið gongur fyri seg, meðan í Degi & Viku, eru bara turr tíðindi, har ið myndir onkuntíð verða vístar..
Til ber hjá tær at síggja dokumentarsendingarnar, á netinum:
"Í morgin skal tað vera" - Um heimleys í Føroyum.
"Tá óttin fær valdið" - Um ótta fyri ymiskum, ið eingin grund er at óttast fyri.
Tú kanst annars sjálv/ur hyggja at, um nøkur nýggj dokumentarsending er komin, her! Tær eru annaðhvørt hóskvøld.
Kringvarpið(the national radio and TV of the Faroe Island) have now, or a couple of weeks ago, begun to create documentaries, which they broadcast every second thursday evening. The documentaries are in a pretty high class, at least if you think of that they're Faroese ;)
Kringvarpið has the last couple of months tried to make them self better. I can for example name that the weeks upon Christmas, they had votings for each Friday evening, for what movie they should display. That they now have a speaker, in between every programme, who tells one what the next programmes is going to be, and about the programme the rest of the evening. That they in the Radio, have tried to get a better "Flow," as they call it, during the morning, and through the day, and now with these documentaries.
I think that it is a very weird emotion to see a documentary in the TV, which is in Faroese! Everything else, I've seen, during when I have grown up, has been in English or Danish. It's weird to see the people speak Faroese, and to see the, from my perspective, known Faroese envirement, on TV.
So far, there have been shown two documentaries on TV. To watch these documentaries can help one to learn a little bit of Faroese; it's probably better than watching, for example, "Dagur & Vika"(The national TV news of the Faroe Islands), because in a documentary, you can see the face expressions, and everything that's going on, where as on "Dagur & Vika," there are only shown dry news, with some pictures sometimes..
It is possible for you to watch the documentaries, online:
"Tommorrow it shall be" - About the homeless in the Faroes.
"When frightness gets the hold of you" - About frightness for stuff, which you have no reason to be frightened for. (Phobias)
You can also watch out yourself, if new documentaries have been made, here! They get published every 2nd thursday evening.
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