
Til reiðar til svínakrím

Tit hava nokk øll hoyrt um hættisliga svínakrímið, sum herjar í Meksiko, Suður Amerika, og sum nú er komið eysturum Atlantshavið, til Evropa, har man hevur funnið tilburðir av svínakrími í millum annað Týsklandi og Spania.

Her er ein tíðindastubbi frá føroyska tíðindaportalinum, portal.fo:

Til reiðar til svínakrím

Føroyski pandemibólkurin hevur viðgjørt støðuna, um svínakrím skuldi breitt seg til Føroya

Stig fyri stig viðgjørdi bólkurin tilbúgvingarætlanina, soleiðis at full semja var um hvussu krímið skal handfarast í Føroyum. Limirnir í bólkinum fingu í felag endurtikið, hvønn leiklut teir ymsu myndugleikarnir hava í tilbúgvingarætlanini, og møgulig ivamál vóru greidd.

Niðurstøðan er, at sum heild er støðan góð í Føroyum, og um so er, at H1N1 verður staðfest, so eru myndugleikarnir tilbúnir. Føroyar hava nógvan sonevndan antiviralan heilivág (t.d. tamiflu) á goymslu til at fyribyrgja og viðgera svínakrím við. Í løtuni kunnu vit viðgera yvir 30% av Føroya fólki, sum er meira enn fleiri av okkara grannalondum, og sum verður mett at verða ríkiligt í sambandi við eina pandemistøðu. Harumframt hava Føroyar í samstarvi við Statens Serum Institut, eins og Danmark, fingið vaccinutrygd til umleið helmingin av føroyingum.


Ready for swine flu

You have all probably heard about the bad swine flu, which is attacking in Mexico and South America. It has now also come over the Atlantic Ocean, and to Europe, where there has been found cases of swine flu in Germany and Spain, and other places.

Here is a news article from the Faroese newsportal, portal.fo:

The Faroese pandemic group has discussed the situation, if the swine flu should come to the Faroe Islands.

Step by step, the group discussed the safety measures, so that everyone agreed on how the flu shall be treated in the Faroe Islands. The members in the group were together told once again, which role the different authoroties have in the safety measures, and possible disputed points were solved.

The conclusion is that the situation in the Faroe Islands is pretty good. And if the H1N1 flu gets confirmed to be here, then the auhoroties will be ready. The Faroe Islands have a lot of the so called antiviral medecine(f.ex. tamiflu) in stock for preventing and treating the swine flu with. At the moment we can treat over 30% of the Faroese people, which is more than a lot of the neighbour countries can, and is more than thought being enough to treat a pandemic situation. In addition to that, the Faroe Islands, in co-operation with "the State Serum Institute," have, just like Denmark, gotten vaccination security for around half of the Faroe Islanders.

1 comment:

  1. Ha! The swine flue is over here...They over reacted in our media and blew the story apart.
