Í skúlunum í Føroyum fáa børn páskafrítið, tá páskirnar eru - ístaðin fyri at tey fáa várfrítíð sum børnini fáa í USA. Børnini fáa frí frá vikuskiftinum áðrenn páskirnar, og til týsdagin aftaná páskirnar. Vikan áðrenn páskini verður kallað "Stillavika," og tá skal eingin larma. Í stilluviku fyrr, var púra kvirt úti, eingin gekk úti og spældi, ella gjørdi eitthvørt, ið larmaði; men nú er hendan vikan júst sum allar aðrar vikur her, í Føroyum.
Øll hini, sum t.d. arbeiða og tílíkt, fáa frí hósdagin áðrenn páskirnar, og til týsdagin, tá tey fara aftur til arbeiðis. Tann hósdagurin og fríggjadagurin eru halgidagar, og eita ávíkavist skírisdagur og langi fríggjadagur. Sunnudagurin er 1. páskadagur og mánadagin er 2.

Vit fáa sjálvandi eisini páskaregg á páskum. Tey eru sjálvandi øll innflutt, frá Danmark og Onglandi. Tó er/var ein lítil sjokolátuhandil í Havn, har eg haldi at ein kann keypa føroysk páskaregg, hóðast tað er óvanligt. Í ár keypti eg eitt páskaregg, ið líkist tí størra av hesum:
Annars eru eisini onnur sløg, so sum Cadburry og Nestle.. :P

Vit rulla eisini páskaregg, sum vit kóka og mála. Her er eitt dømi av málaðum eggum, ið eg fann á netinum:

Hesi eggini plagdu vit at rulla oman gjøgnum brekkurnar, inntil tey brotnaðu; tó lótu vit nøkur vera eftir, til at eta.. ;)
Easter in the Faroe Islands
I'm going to write rather short about easter in the Faroe Islands. (And I'm sorry for not writing anything for fairly long!)
In the schools in the Faroe Islands, the children get "easter-holidays," during easter - instead of the vecation that is in the USA, the spring holiday or something. The children don't have school from the weekend before easter, and untill the tuesday after easter. The week before easter is called "silent week," and during it, no one should make noise. In the old days, no one would make aany noise during "silent week." No one would be outside playing, or do something that would make noise; but nowadays, this week is just like every other week here, in the Faroe Islands.
Everybody else, who for example work and stuff like that, get days off, from Thursday before easter and till Tuesday after easter. That Thursday and Friday are (halgidagar), and are called "Skírisdagur" and "Langi fríggjadagur(Long Friday)". The Sunday is 1st easter day, and Monday the 2nd easter day.
Of course, we also get easter eggs on easter. They are all, of course, imported from mainly Denmark or the UK. Althought there is/was a small chocolate shop in Tórshavn, where I think one could buy Faroese easter eggs, though it is unusual. This year, I bought a easter egg, which looks like the larger one on the picture.
Well, we also have other kinds of easter eggs, like the ones on the 2nd picture.
We also roll easter eggs, which we boil and paint. On the 3rd picture, you can see a picture of painted eggs that I found online.
We used to roll those eggs down the hills, untill they fell apart; and we also kept some to eat.. ;)
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