
A Brief History of Flight in the Faroes

Stutt um Flúgving í Føroyum

Around 650 A.D., the Vikings came to the Faroe Islands. What many people do not know is that on these islands they faced a unique problem - the rough seas and treacherous coastlines of the Faroe Islands prevented them from safely approaching with their boats. In order to solve this problem, the Vikings developed a primitive method of flying, similar in theory to berserking. Originally they had to take off from cliffs, and flew only short distances to their ships in the ocean.
Í umleið 650 e.kr.f., komu víkingar til Føroyar. Tað sum nógv fólk ikki vita, er at teir á hesum oyggjunum komu fram á ein serstakan trupulleika - harði sjógvurin og hættisliga landsleiðin í Føroyum gjørdi sum teir ikki trygt kundu leggja at landi við bátum teirra. Fyri at loysa henda trupulleikan, útviklaðu víkingarnir eitt frumkent slag av flúgving, sum í ástøðini líkist berserkini. Upprunaliga flugu teir einans suttar teinar til teirra skip á havinum.

Have you ever wondered why puffins can fly, while penguins can't? The answer to this is obvious, once you understand that Faroese people have been flying for more than a thousand years! They taught the puffins to fly.
Hevur tú nakrantíð ivast í, hví lundar kunnu flúgva, meðan pingvinir ikki kunnu? Svarið á hesum er týðiligt, tá tú veist at føroyingar hava flogið í yvir túsund ár! Teir lærdu lundarnir at flúgva.

In the year 1912, the Faroese developed the Umbrella Launch, a safer way to take off than the age old method of launching off a cliff. This development made flight far safer, and made it possible for all sorts of people to learn to fly.
Í 1912, útviklaðu føroyingar Regnskjólauppsendingina, ein tryggari háttur at fara á flog, enn aldargamli hátturin, at fara á flog av einum bergi. Hendan útviklingin gjørdi flúgving nógv tryggari, og gjørdi tað eisini møguligt hjá (næstan) einhvørjum at læra at flúgva.

In the 1950's, a flight school was developed in Vágar. Nowadays young Faroese travel to the flight school with their classes to recieve safety lessons and a flight certificate.

This advertisement, published circa 1960, says, "Just as all Faroese can fly! - Vágar Flightschool"
Í 1950'unum, varð ein flúgviskúli gjørdur í Vágunum. Nú á døgum ferðast føroyskir ungdómar til Flogskúlan við flokki sínum, fyri at fáa trygdarskeið og eitt flogprógv.

Hendan lýsingin varð lýst í umleið 1960. Rætting til tekst á mynd: "Júst sum allir føroyingar duga at flúgva! Vágar Flogskúli"


Before you get too bent out of shape, please check the date. ;)
Áðrenn tú gerst ov ovfarin, vinarliga hygg at dagfestingini. ;)

1 comment:

  1. God Almighty, I almost believed you :) The illustration is supercool. Faroe forever! :D
